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Towards the Bedroom...

You talk with your match, you go out to dates, you finally decide that tonight is gonna be THE night… Your excitement mixes with joy of expectation, hopes and passion. And a pinch of doubt, too.

How will this person make you feel? Will you be happy the morning after? Will you want to see this person again? Will you want to stay with your match forever? And if you do, will your partner later cheat on you?

Want it or not, our sexual behavior is shaped by our personality type. Just like other attitudes and behaviors. Some behaviors are more natural for us, others are less. We would want to DO something special and we would want to GET something different in return. Each person has his own set of “wants”. Indeed, each personality type.

The quality of our sexual encounters depends on our inter-type relationship with our partner. Depending on the personality match, our mutual “wants” may be compatible or not. Your partner may want to “give” what you don’t want to “get”. Will it make you happy? I don’t think so.

Fortunately, in a successful match, you will want to “give” exactly what your partner wants to “get”. And you will readily “get” what your partner wants to “give”. For example, feeling passionate, Jane may want to hug strongly – and her partner Rob expects a strong hug to know, Jane is passionate. Then Rob just feels, that everything is great and he goes on. Rob UNDERSTANDS Jane and her desires.

In a different couple, partners may just want to gently stroke one another, and this is their “rightest” expression of mutual affection.

But if Jane feels so good, that she screams with passion, and she wants to scream even more, but another guy, Rick, feels that screaming is too out of hand, he feels that he has done something wrong. Rick immediately tries to be “more careful” with Jane and just stop doing her that good. Needless to say, Jane feels disappointed.

However, now Rick is with a different girl, Sandra. Sandra gets excited “tenderly”, she prefers to moan with pleasure, rather than to scream with excitement. Well, now Rick correctly understands Sandra’s expression of pleasure. She doesn’t confuse him with her screams. Moreover, if Sandra feels she needs to scream, that means, that Rick has been doing something wrong, and he immediately has to change his actions.

But, if Rob, who wants to hear screams of passion, happens to be with Sandra, both will have trouble. Rob will feel that “he never makes her scream”, and Sandra will feel that Rob is forcing her beyond the limits. Will this couple be happy? I don’t believe. No matter how much money does Rob make yearly, or how close their cultural background is.

Unfortunately, many couples who have incompatible personality types, just stay together because of their yearly income, house, children and cultural background. Not surprisingly, people remain confused and unsatisfied with one another. They get disappointed, troubled, and often sick. As an escape, many resort to cheating. They just want to get a different partner, albeit temporary, who fits them better. They want “understanding” they do not have with their spouse. This “understanding” is actually nothing more than just mutual compatibility. Mutual match. Perfect match.

Of course, your Dual is the best possible partner for you, whether for friendship, or for your work, or for your marital life. Duals’ personality types match like a hand and a glove. One would want to “give” something, the other would prefer to “get” it. Both agree on some principle matters. Perfect!

Dual sex cannot be compared to anything else. This is when two partners are perfectly tuned in any given moment. They can get totally relaxed and their interaction will still be perfect. They can behave as they are, and the other will be glad. Their desires fit one another and their signs and manifestations are perfectly noticed and correctly understood. Duals keep one another activated enough to last for hours in bed. This is when two people may always want to be together and never grow tired of one another.

On the other hand, in a Dual couple, one feels especially secure to entrust the partner with one’s deepest and, maybe, darkest desires. Very often they reveal, that the partner would love to participate in their “weird” fantasy!

Dual couples are usually the most stable and long-lasting. In a Dual relationship, partners usually satisfy one another completely, and so they have no need to cheat. Possible affairs appear not worth the whole thing, because “my best spouse in the world is much better, anyway”. And even if that happens (rarely, compared to the rate of cheating in non-dual couples), the partners can reconcile much easier. Many have witnessed how that happened in the White House the other day.

In a Dual couple, partners often feel, that they are the extensions of one another. Two people are one unity, and they are the best for one another. They are together. They are not “two individuals”. They are ONE COUPLE.

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