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If you are completely new to Socionics, you may want to start with discovering your personality type.

This quiz may help you to get some insight into the true YOU.

Soulmates are people who bring out the best in you. You feel they are perfect. They make you feel YOU are perfect, too.

This quiz will help you to find out the nature of your SOULMATE.

Please, keep in mind, that no quiz can be absolutely infallible. If you disagree or just do not connect with the description of your personality type, you may want to re-do the quiz or to scroll down for my individual services.


Trying to describe all and everything about personality types and inter-type interactions, is not an easy task.

However, at my Socionics page you can find the best and the most important data, that can help you to understand your full potential and the potential of your relations with people around you.


My Socionics page briefly describes most common traits of different personality types and gives some insight into how we perceive different people. This page answers two questions:

1. What are different personalities types?                        

2. What kind of a relationship can we have with people of different personality types?


A good place to start your journey into the land of personality types, this book describes personality types and explains, why do we think and act as we do.

Are SOULMATES a myth? For millions of people, the dream of meeting their soulmate has come true.

Now it's your turn!

In addition to personality types and their interactions, this book explores, why some people start to think and behave like some different type, and how it later affects themselves and their relations with others.

A must, if you are not certain about your personality type.


There are always things we prefer not to ask and others prefer not to say. Even understanding our own deepest wishes may be troublesome. Yet, the other person may be especially glad if you still manage to understand him -RIGHT.

Self-study courses in Socionics are about to help you to know, what the other person may want from you. You will learn how to make the best out of your personality type and how to know, what others intend.

Planned release date - December 31, 2016

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