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Love Only Has Sixteen Faces. These Are Love-Healers And Love-Killers.

Do you believe that you and your loved one should be similar to make your relationship last? Maybe you say, "differences attract."

Contrary to popular beliefs, partners do not need to be neither the same, nor completely different. They just need to fit one another. Only then will the relationship last.

How strong and lasting your relationship is going to be? What is the hidden ingredient that makes it or breaks it?

Each person has one personality type out of sixteen. So do you. So does your partner, too. Depending on your and your partner’s type, you may have one of sixteen possible types of relationships.

1. Duality: This is the best relationship possible. Two people feel one another as their Soulmate. Duals rarely argue. Even if they have a disagreement, they can very easily sort it out. That makes them to appreciate the other and his viewpoint even more. Complementing one another on different aspects, a dual couple can provide the best solution to any life challenge. The sexual programs of the partners match – each one expresses his affection the way the other would love to receive it. Partners often have complementary wishes and fantasies. This is the only one relationship type, that can be "Soulmate".

2. Activation: In this type of relationship, partners usually have pretty good understanding and they eagerly support one another. They feel strong attraction. However, spending too much time together becomes a bit difficult for both. This relationship makes partners more active, but in the long run it turns out to be tiresome. Sexual programs of the partners fit one another perfectly, too. Therefore, intimacy of this couple will be nearly perfect.

3. Mirror: Two people usually pay attention at the same issues. They often have close (but always just a bit different!) viewpoints and attitudes. Mirrors can hardly support each other, because their areas of competence (and incompetence) are nearly the same. Being pretty similar, but yet somewhat different in their attitudes, mirror partners may try to out-perform one another. They get involved into never-ending “contests” of who is smarter, more decisive, sensitive or productive.

4. Identical: Two people in this relationship have the same personality type. Therefore, they consider things identically. That doesn’t mean, that two people are “the same” or that they “always agree.” It only means, that they completely understand the other’s point of view. “In your place, I’d think and do the same.” In the beginning, this relationship usually attracts with this unique type of understanding, but soon it becomes very hard to surprise the partner or to support him.

5. Conflict: Partners have lots of disagreements. They can only unite in front of a big trouble, either for one of them or both. However, in ordinary life, their expressed remarks or viewpoints are usually somewhat unpleasant. Sometimes it even seems, that your partner deliberately hurts you. Gradually, self-esteem plunges and partners feel they cannot even live without one another. Besides, intimacy is relatively acceptable in conflict couples.

6. Quasi-Identity: Partners usually pay attention to and consider the same things, but they often assign different importance to them. They may have long discussions, but each one remains with his previous opinion. Partners can hardly hurt one another and they often feel, that the other is fine, but totally mis-oriented.

7. Super-Ego: The partner is confident and skilled in the areas, that you feel way less competent about. This difference between the partners brings about admiration, especially in the beginning. However, the partner seems to apply his skills in the wrong direction. Besides, it often seems, that the partner deliberately doesn’t want to do, what you would best want him to do.

8. Extinguishing: Partners usually pay attention to the same areas of life, but they often evaluate them oppositely. Matters that appear important to one partner, are rather insignificant for the other. Because of this ability to judge the same things differently, in the beginning of this relationship, partners often appear mysterious and interesting. Later, they become somewhat disappointed, because it starts to seem, that the partner often “misses the very point”.

9. Cooperation: Partners are often eager to embark together on common projects. They easily share responsibilities and they can impress one another, too. However, when they interact too much among themselves, it starts to be somewhat difficult and sometimes disappointing. can Because Cooperators have the same most sensitive issues, they rarely say or do something especially unpleasant. However, they are rarely helpful in these sensitive areas, either.

10. Illusionary: Partners excite and impress one another, especially in the beginning. However, closer interaction brings about misunderstanding and disappointments. Partners’ inclinations are usually opposite. Matters, that inspire one partner, appear too insignificant for the other. Yet, mutual admiration and assistance in the most sensitive areas remains, it glues partners together and makes them repeatedly try to adjust their own goals. Finally, partners start to stagnate. Their personal achievements shrink.

11. Cognate: In this relationship, partners usually have the same goals and inspirations, but they have different ways of achieving them. This difference feels exciting, if partners have the same goal to reach. They join efforts, and each one comes up with his own unique abilities. However, when partners interact with one another, they quickly start to tread on one another’s toes. Besides, in a close relationship, partners soon start to compete with one another for the things, that each would want to experience, but none would want to create.

12. Semi-Duality: In this relationship, partners often provide important and interesting viewpoints to one another. Their mutual understanding is very good and their goals fit in many important areas. However, in this relationship, partners should always be ready to make mutual concessions. Besides, they will often feel, that the other becomes too outrageous in his ideas or actions. If both partners learn to meet halfway, their relationship can be lasting and positive, especially for irrational types – in this relationship, their sexual programs fit perfectly, and their intimacy will be second only to dual relationship.

13. Social Benefit (as a Benefactor): The partner is perceived like a good, but lightminded person. Partner’s goals and inclinations are not considered seriously. It often seems, that the partner just wastes himself, so you may want to guide and direct him. The partner, however, starts to feel, that you are restricting and inconsiderate to him.

14. Social Benefit (as a Beneficiary): The partner is perceived as a rather important person. His abilities, goals and desires are something to be taken into account. However, sometimes the partner is too pervasive. He advises, even if you haven’t asked for his advice, and this is disturbing. As well, it often seems, that you cannot get your partner to accept or even just hear your point of view, no matter how you try.

15. Supervision (as a Supervisor): The partner is a good and able person, but in some areas of life his behavior is too childish. You may try to help your partner to develop some of his abilities or at least to point it out to him. However, he never seems to be able to change. Instead, he may start to resist your good will and advice, for no obvious reason.

16. Supervision (as a Supervisee): The partner seems especially important an impressive. You can even feel some very special pride, for having such a great partner. However, it seems, that your partner is rarely pleased with you, no matter how hard you try. Finally, you may start to feel, that life becomes more and more dull and difficult, while the partner seems even more demanding and even less pleased.

As you could see, Duality is the best and the most satisfying relationship possible. Activation is pretty good, too, and Semi-Duality can be fine for some couples. Other relationships – you’ll have to try hard to make them work.

Of course, personal issues, such as background, lifestyle and goals matter. When talking about marriage, they matter a lot, indeed. Besides, you do not just live with a personality type – you live with a person. One person is good, the other isn’t.

However, given the same circumstances, a relationship with your Dual will benefit you most. Your Dual has the biggest chance of being your soulmate. Getting closer with him, you discover the best and often under-valued sides of yourself. These are the most loving and lasting relationships.

Share this article with your friends and get a Soulmate Quiz at the Sixteen Faces website. This Quiz will help you to discover the most important traits of your Dual – the best person to become your life partner.

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